Life with a newborn can be unpredictable, to say the least.
You spend around nine months preparing (or so you think!) for their arrival, but once they’re actually here, everything you thought you knew is more or less thrown out of the window. There’s nothing quite like the chaos a new baby brings to life, huh? That said, there are some things you can rely on when it comes to life with a new baby, like that they all need to eat!
With this in mind, this week’s post is all about feeding a new baby, with tips for parents that we hope might come in handy. Read on to find out more!
A fed baby is a happy baby
Chances are, you’ve already given a lot of thought to how to feed your baby, and you’ve probably already waded into a few passionate discussions about it too. Whether you decide to breastfeed or bottle-feed, there is one thing that the experts will all agree on, and it’s quite simple. However you feed your baby, as long as you are both happy then it’s the right decision for you.
Some mums decide to do a combination of both breast and bottle- and again, that’s absolutely fine! You find the method that works for you, your family and your lifestyle- it’s nobody else’s business, quite frankly!
And without further ado, here are our top tips for feeding a new baby, whether breast or bottle or both.
Nimble's Top Tips for Breastfeeding
Most health professionals will agree that your breastmilk is the perfect food for your new baby, and hopefully, there is lots of support available for you to access once you begin on this journey. If you do decide to breastfeed, these are the items we recommend you have on hand to make it a little easier:
Nursing bras and pads
Nursing nightdress, pyjamas and vest tops
Breastfeeding pillow
Muslin cloths
Nipple cream
Some new mums also find that they can use a breast pump to express milk for a bottle once their milk supply is established. Experts recommend waiting at least six weeks before trying this to avoid so-called ‘nipple confusion’- but that decision is totally up to you!
Our top tips for breastfeeding success:
Tell your midwife you plan to breastfeed, so that you can receive support as soon as baby is born
Feed your baby as soon after birth as possible. This will help to establish your supply, will provide your baby with essential protein and antibodies (in the form of colostrum) and will aid in bonding too
Use an app to help you remember which side you fed from last. This will keep supply regular in both breasts
Follow your baby’s cues for feeds- feeding on demand
Get plenty of rest, eat well and drink lots of fluids. Breastfeeding requires a lot of energy!
If you experience problems breastfeeding, or you’d like help and support, there are services you can access. Visit for more information.
Nimble's Top Tips for bottle-feeding
Preparation is key when it comes to bottle-feeding a new baby. Here are the must-haves we recommend you have ready before the baby is born:
Newborn bottles
Newborn bottle teats
Bottle brush
Bottle cleaning equipment— try our Milk Buster Baby Bottle Cleaner for a gentle and natural clean.
Newborn formula

Always follow the instructions on the formula pack to make up your baby’s bottle
Make each feed as you need it; don’t prepare bottles in advance
When warming feeds, make sure you test the temperature to ensure it’s not too hot
Hold your baby in a semi-upright position for feeds, supporting their head properly
Keep the bottle horizontal with a slight tip so that the milk flows steadily
Feed on demand
Throw away unused milk
After feeds, whether breast or bottle-fed, it's important to wind your baby to help ease discomfort or pain. Gently pat your baby's back, keeping them upright and still. Avoid lying your baby down for at least 30 minutes after feeds to help the milk settle. Expect your baby to wake around every 2-4 hours for a feed, especially when a newborn.
Good luck… and enjoy!
Team Nimble
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