So, we’re now well into Lockdown Version 3… how are we all doing? If you’re anything like the team here at Nimble, you’re currently trying to juggle work, homeschool, childcare, cleaning, cooking, and tidying. If any of this sounds like your situation right now, we want you to take a moment. Stop. Sit down. Take a deep breath. You’re doing an amazing job.
Lockdown is not easy! We’re all on top of each other right now. We can’t go anywhere, the weather is, frankly, rubbish, and we’re all just doing what we can to stay afloat. And, let’s face it, some things will have to move down on our list of priorities for a while. Such a shame we can’t do that when it comes to cleaning!
Staying on top of the housework is so essential when you’re in the middle of a pandemic (just when the entire household is stuck at home, creating a mess!), but it’s not an easy task, that’s for sure. We’ve put together a few tips on keeping clean and tidy during lockdown. Please leave a comment if you have any tips to share!
Always make the bed
Don’t start the day before you’ve made the bed. A simple rule, but it works! A neat bed signals to you that the day has begun. This two-minute chore can start a simple, quick and effective tidying routine that will set you up for the day. Make the bed, straighten the cushions, clean clothes from the night before, and get the room straight.
Help little ones get into this habit, too, so that their bedrooms are neat and ready for bedtime before you even start the day. It helps always get dressed for the day, too, as tempting as spending the day in PJs!
Clean Little and Often
Our number one tip! If you see a mess on your way down the hallway, tidy it as you go; otherwise, you’ll be walking past (and cursing it) all day. Using the bathroom? Give the sink a quick spritz and wipe to save you from needing to do it later. Making a cup of tea? Empty the dishwasher while you’re waiting. Give the toys a quick wipe while you’re at it too. You get the idea.
Breaking the chores up into smaller chunks is a great way to make it more manageable when you’ve got a million other things on your to-do list. We recommend Sticky Stopper for a natural but powerful way to remove 99.9% of germs from surfaces, toys, playmats, highchairs & more.

If your little ones are old enough to pitch in, let them! Make it a part of your daily routine for everyone to roll up their sleeves and help out. Reward them if you need to, but make sure you stay consistent. Once helping out becomes a habit, the whole task becomes easier.
Remember our first tip; small and manageable age-appropriate tasks are best for kids. For older children, writing down a list of tasks that need completing and letting them choose is an excellent way to get them involved.
Declutter once a week
People accumulate stuff! And when said people are at home most of the time, this ‘stuff’ seems to multiply! Once a week, set aside some time to declutter all the areas where bits and pieces tend to gather. Job done!Develop a laundry routine
It pays to stay on top of the laundry... ask any busy parent! Having a laundry routine is essential to avoid the whole ‘piles of clothes lying around the house’ scenario. Put a wash on first thing in the morning, get it dry through the day and allocate a sort time in the evening to sort and put it away.
Again, if the kids are old enough, get them to help. Don’t skip a laundry day, even if it means putting a wash on every day. Once you miss a wash, it can be hard to get back on top of it again! We recommend Laundry Lover and Cuddle Lover for naturally clean and super soft laundry—perfect for sensitive skin.
Keep your cleaning supplies handy
Who says they all have to be stored under the sink? Keep your favourite cleaning supplies where you use them the most so that they’re always nearby, and you’re not tempted to skip the task because you have to trek downstairs to get what you need. Please make sure everything is out of reach for little ones, though.
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Don’t sweat it— prioritise
Finally, we want to let you know that while we advocate for a clean and tidy home, it isn’t the worst thing to have a little clutter at the end of the day. Being in lockdown is hard. Spending more time at home will inevitably result in a little more mess, so let’s make peace with that.
Prioritise tasks that cannot be avoided, like cleaning vital areas, laundry, etc. Create a daily to-do list to ensure that you accomplish the essential cleaning tasks.
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